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5 common reasons and how to treat it

Run is a popular and rewarding way To stay active and improve your health, but it is not uncommon for runners to experience foot pain, especially if they are, use inappropriate footwear or have biomechanical problems. Not only this discomfort interferes with performance and the enjoyment of the sport, but it is left without attending, it can lead to more serious injuries.

As a basis for your career, your feet support significant stress with each step, making them susceptible to injuries. It is vital to identify and manage the root cause of the pain in the foot before it gets worse or leads to other problems. Ahead, explore five common reasons behind the pain in the feet while running and receives some action expert tips for managing it and avoiding it.

Operation -related injuries rates occur in up to 79% of playwrights and 85% of beginner corridors. 40% of these wounds occur on the foot.


Training hard and improving your speed, distance and global performance is key to long -term targets of any runner. But when you Push your body too hardcan you experience the Effects of training. It can also lead to other injuries including stress fractures, plantar and tendonitis fasciitis.

“Excessive training is a by -product of doing too soon, not resting or recovery, or even variation or cross -training,” he says Daniel Geller, DPMA podiatrist, foot and ankle surgeon and medical head of Kane shoes. “In my practice, excessive training represents the overwhelming majority of the injuries I see.”

Symptoms may vary from mild to more intense as the body struggles to recover from intense physical activity, explains Rebecca Pudvah, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, a physiotherapist with athletic physical therapy. “Training can be sneaked into any athlete and you may feel as simple as a small or overflowing pain as hunger and constant fatigue.”

How to avoid overflowing

Preventing training is an obligation if you want to keep your routine of operation and avoid further injuries. To address the pain of the feet caused by overflow, Chris Mohr, Phd, RdA physiologist of the exercise, says that prioritizing recovery is essential to allow your body to recover.

“Exercise itself breaks the muscle, which is normal, but it is (also) important Give your body time to recoverAnd that is done with the sleep, hydration and correct foods, “says Mohr.

Follow the tracking of your symptoms before and after training can also help you identify forms your recovery It may not be optimal and allow you to adjust your training accordingly. Plus, rest often. The rest days should be free of planned exercise routines, although you can perform light activities such as soft yoga, walk or Swimming recovery.

“An athlete who begins a training regime must rest from three to four days a week, and an more experienced athlete may be able to rest one to two days a week,” says Pudvah.

Another smart approach is to use periodization, which involves alternating periods of intense training with lighter loads or recovery periods. Changing your training allows your body to recover and adapt to training voltages.

Inappropriate footwear

Inadequate footwear is one of the main reasons why many runners will be injured, says Dr. Geller. “Will not only create the poor selection of shoes or the adjustment bubbleUENA issues and problems, but will also cause more complex injuries due to lack of support, cushioning and protection. ”

Have the right shoes You can make a big difference for athletes. Runners using shoes without sufficient bow support may experience Common problems Like planting fasciitis, brightness and ankle pain by overpronation and even knee discomfort because of leg stress, he says. If you have weak or injured ankles, ankle support shoes With movement control, bow support and grab traction can provide better stability.

Similarly, athletes with feet and high bow shoes that lack sufficient cushioning may have a higher risk of stress fractures, metatarsalgia and tendonitis. “The repetitive microtrauma will be up to date with the best of us if we are not careful to protect these smaller structures,” says Dr. Geller.

What is metatarsalgia?

Metatarsalgia is pain and swelling in the ball of the foot, making it difficult for walk, balance and exercise. It can be caused by sesamoiditis, bursitis, capsulitis, tendonitis and periostitis. Symptoms include sharp, painful or burning pain in the foot ball, which can worsen during physical activity.

How to choose the right footwear

Avoid inappropriate footwear pain means knowing how to screen all the options to find a couple of race shoes that work for you. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing the correct sneakers for you.

  • Activity and surface: Choose shoes made specifically for your type of operationWhether on the road, trail or track. Each type of shoe gives the ideal support and traction for different surfaces.
  • Adjustment and comfort: Make sure your shoes have enough space in the toes box so that your fingers move and fit perfectly into the heel to avoid slipping. They should feel comfortable when you put them without having to be broken.
  • Support and cushioning: Find shoes that provide the right support and cushion For the feet and style of running. This will help reduce the impact on the feet and legs, decreasing stress.
  • Wear: Regularly check your shoes for signs of wear. Over time, cushioning and support in running shoes can break down and put you at risk of injury. Dr. Pudvah suggests checking the shoe funds and ensuring that the material has its original shape, shape and texture.

Research shows that the shape of its foot changes with prolonged operation, so it pays attention to how your feet feels and you need to adjust your shoes. This will help prevent feet pain and other injuries.


Planting fasciitis is a common cause of pain in the foot. It is characterized by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of fabric that runs through the bottom of the foot. The most important symptom is a strong pain at the bottom of the foot, especially with the first steps of the morning.

“Hard surfaces, bad selection of shoe, lack of bow support, training and runners who need to improve with their form are reasons for this injury to go back,” says Dr. Geller. “Tight calf muscles And the weak foot muscles are also to blame. ”

How to manage Plantar Fasciite

Mohr says that stretching the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia regularly is key to preventing planting fasciitis. If you already feel the effects, start with stretching and strengthening of exercises to treat and prevent reappearance.

Dr. Pudvah adds that you can also try a combination of Stretching and bearing techniques to relieve pain and promote healing. “Try to stretch or roll three times a day, keeping each one for about 30 seconds.”

It is also important to identify and address the root cause, which could be a change in routine, inadequate footwear or weight gain. If necessary, consider renewing your shoes.

“Consider an orthotic and get help if your form requires some retouching to ensure appropriate landing and propulsion,” says Dr. Geller. Also there is SPECIFIC SHOES THAT CAN BENEFIT THOSE WITH PLANTING FASTIITY.

You can also try to use Support products for Planting Fasciite Such as nightclubs and orthotic inserts to help keep the right foot alignment. However, it is best to talk to a healthcare practitioner to determine what may be better for you.


The extensor tendonitis and Achilles tendonitis are two common types of tendonitis experienced by corridors. The extensor tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendons that spread your fingers or toes. It may result from repetitive motions, including the race, and is often characterized by pain at the top of the foot. Dr. Geller says the weak flexous tendons can create an excess of extensors, giving rise to this painful condition.

Achilles’ tendonitis is when the Achilles tendon inflates. It often occurs when it increases its distance, rhythm or land too fast. Symptoms include pain and rigidity along the Achilles tendon, especially in the morning or after activity.

Manage and prevent tendonitis

Poor posture and core strength are common contributors to extensor tendonitis, says Dr. Geller. “Stretching and strengthening is the name of the game when it comes to the lower extremities, especially feet and ankles.”

Stretching the calves To prevent traction will also reduce the risk of pain. Plus, make sure your Shoes are not very tight. Too tight shoe cords can hurt the tendons and surface nerves, which, Dr. Geller says, causes neuritis (nerve inflammation) on top of the foot and on the ankle.

In the case of Achilles’ tendonitis, he says stretching and strengthening the lower body is crucial to avoid further damage to the tendon. Heat long before exercising and cooling to avoid problems.

Shoes that absorb the shock well and provide an easy -to -heeled transfer also help to dispel the forces that traumatize the Achilles, he says. “The over-processing can cause Achilles to stress in a direction that can cause injury, so runners may consider an orthotic or movement control shoe to control this pattern.”

Stress fractures

Runners have a high risk of Bone stress injurieswith up to 21% that experience them in a year. Stress fractures are small cracks in the bone that cause pain in an area that gets worse when activated and improved when you rest. They are often the result of excesses and fuel, says Dr. Pudvah.

How to prevent and manage stress fractures

If you hear your body and have regular check-in with your physiotherapist, nutritionist or even primary care provider, you can avoid this disturbing injury, says Dr. Pudvah. “Keeping a well balanced diet and an exercise routine to support your training will rarely produce bone injury, but a tip of the hat in any way and may fall into this trap.”

Several factors contribute to the risk of stress fractures, including low levels of vitamin D. The research has found that athletes with lower levels of vitamin D are more likely to suffer this condition. In a study by patients with discoveries of bone marrow and ankle edema resonance, 84% had low vitamin D levels, 61% were deficient and 23% were insufficient.

According to Mohr, rest is the most important thing to cure stress fractures. “Avoid putting weight in the affected foot, using crutches or a protective boot as necessary and slowly reintroducing the activities under the direction of a doctor to prevent reinstorction.”

It also suggests considering supplements such as calcium and vitamin D to improve bone strength and invest in more supportive career shoes.

Bottom line

The pain of the feet is common between the corridors, but it does not have to stop aside. By identifying the root causes of your discomfort: the layout, inadequate footwear, incorrect execution form or a specific injury, you can take proactive measures to address it and avoid it.

Listen to your body, keep a great shape, use the right shoes, follow a balanced training plan, and get help from a professional like a physiotherapist, podiatrist or coach of running if you have pain in the foot. They can give you custom tips and offer treatment plans. Remember, running should be pleasant and rewarding, so be proactive when you have pain so you can keep running happy and healthy.

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