Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Long Beautiful Morning Morning – Biniooldguy

Yesterday I was on the south to the south of the rural areas of Morgan Hill without San Martin to beat Gintin. I was on the backpack I owe electricity assistance. The wind was light so I was able to keep an average of 20 mph, which is the produced social speed. This covers 27 miles slightly for more than 90 minutes. I enjoyed to see our green mountains of the last rain.

San Martin green green

We are lucky to have our plants are not equal to the north. Our southern friends have not fortunate, it’s very dry, and they found a severe Santa’s wind that caused warm and dry air. I don’t know a person who has lost their home, but we are thinking about those who have. Firefighters have dropped here to help, such as the SocialFor who helped us from the past. We are all in this.

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