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A week of fiber-rich foods as a ride

A week of FIber-Valid foods as a Runner | Download

In this measures, we pulled out the shadow of real people in their lives with the real health. Show each week to indicate to indicate to go wrong, processing families, activities and forms and treatments and tough food.

Today, a big myfitena in Texas in Texas Training for half-Marathon and looking forward to his fiber.

Where: Austin, Texas

Choose: The Great Banking

AGE?: 38

The week and the cash pay: I don’t care!

Diratic Drat design: I went to lower-fodmap

The praise: For the Card or Card; The breed, Barley, and Rye


Calorie cartoon: 14,000

Macro accounts every day: The only amount I think Get a picture-Dowt’s order!

The normal course is: I’ll run every day, about 40-50 miles every week.

When did you start learning about the most of the nunaterition?

I am always in the “famous”

When is the time to start food food?

I first started holding my foods in 2015 (before I do in myfitnessor! From my life and less about my life goals.

What is the main lesson you learned on your travel trip?

The food you eat more than only caloer caloers are found. For some food, most people think most people can “healthy” in the end of my body. Your only-dimensional health is not.

What is the health or health about the goals doing?

I’m training for half-marathon in January, so that I have made my health again my health. I came down at least 24 lbs of my lb 30 lb goals

How do you plan for living events to achieve your regular job? (Eg, vacation, date of birth or groups about marriage, etc.)

I’m often looking forward to the great picture before the days or events. Because I want to think of my money a week, than every day. If I’m going to be going to get a result or event, I have average money to be more than prayer.

How many things do you eat every week, make your food at home?

I may not eat half of my foods at home. I eat a lot of Bandwich bands. ^.

7-day of the nutturtion for real life

Day 1

Good morning: I’ve been a day with a warm cup of sugar and the food of food and good foods of eetmeal-comfort food. I’ve got it with a box box and a blueberries of blueberries for that “look, I’m going, I’m going to eat the fruit!” strongly. Nightndown: 430 swallow calm

Lunch: In the afternoon, I capture a chicken cycle from wabill. Lean Protein, check. Russian, watched. Veggies, check. Really, I would be what I want when I want something to fill but no The most sad. The sum: 640 caloies

Lunch for lunch: ‘To the balance. I have tired of the day with a cheeseburger and a cliepy, right to the french french. A while should not be the burner. There is no sadness. The sum: 681 malicious

Each day: 1.754 caloies

Day 2

Good morning: My go-to: Grown Gold Sugar and Maple Oatmeal, holding with Banna and blueberries. Easily, trust, and find the action.

Lunch: I caught a Bagel from Delli and slathered on a bream cream. It’s easy.

Lunch for lunch: I have finished the sun with a thin poke from the community from the community in the bush bus. Aoao SAOA Hueway

Each day: 1.547 kareries

This was promuded

I have taken a small holiday of food. Sometimes you want to enjoy your food with the maths of math!

Day 5

Good morning: Back to corupne-intriner or the basis of the oatmeal with the blue and blueberries. Why do you mean the Holy One?

Lunch: I’ve got a Italian welcome from the local bondag, go with the choice. Has been pressed to be a structure in the main effort.

Lunch for lunch: Jimmy John for lunch! I went to the 7-with bread, it is not unwitch. Sometimes you want to be fully full-time.

Each day: 1.53 Cachete

Day 6

Good morning: You have chosen him a trust, and i love her.

Lunch: I have issued in my Jimmy John and order to Eastern East of Italy. Crapce Crap makes the light but always filling.

Lunch for lunch: Two pizza pizza pizza to remove the day. Sometimes, it’s just calling your name. CONTACT: 496 SERVICE.

Each day: 1,379 karlors


Good morning: The sugar and sugar and maple оtmeal, with blue spances and blueberries for someone added to another. Could not kill a course.

Lunch: I pulled by the Thunderlud Bank and lift a New York Italian. I got it out with a race of the day for the day because the plants are better.

Lunch for lunch: Summary with friends in a local gallery. I’m going to keep it easy with a command of the lemon pair of lemon. Try, divide, not sad.

Every day: 1,505 carolies

The post A week of fiber-rich foods as a ride forwarded before Myfitftot blog. ^.

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