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Cooper Dejaana shows things as rookie is rookie in Philadelia

Coole Deja Deja Key what is the same rookie in Philyago! Download

If you look in Philadelphia at this time, you have heard another name in a new name: Cool Dejean.

As the CEDBLEK CEDOKOK and REALY REALIES, EATGES, repeling himself in 2024. The players go upward. Now, he’s on the course of something that is just available

Before the main day of the game, dejen was associated with Download And he grew her mind in again, and how to prepare his body and thought his innovations in the indirect points.

MFP: What is the same as the Pladelphia Eart, more than one time when you make a competition?

Cd: It’s a bad experience. The energy is the electricity, and when we ride a competition, the city is thought of the same as we have. The room is in the room, the chemistry is in a high time. Everything in and related to the same goal, and it is a glory to be a special one.

MFP: How is the culture in Philadelphy and between the Etagles ‘Fanbase’ Fanbase to strengthen a player?

Cd: Philly Fans are the highest levels, is so cute, and they hold us. You can think of their strength in the game, and he is going to give you all you have. Not only to play for a group; You will play for the city.

MFP: What is the blele to play your work, the best in a long time with long games?

Cd: Nutrition is everything-that is why I do. Without it Oily, I can’t bring my best to school. It is not about energy; About healing, driving, and live healthy in a geegging a groenging course.

MFP: Myfitnessalcal is the most important thing to look at the Philippia Etagles, Help players in their plans. How to help you improve your nutution for work?

Cd: I am happy with the partner with myfitnessal, from the app is a player-change for me. It is not about the attention to what I eat. About the impression and all the food will support my work goals. Personal food is planning that The most Chef provides something unfair. I can imagine what my body needs to restart quick and stay strong in all the time.

MFP: As a conspleback and more, what is your own need to be, and how to drive them?

Cd: My situation is about the speed, aigility, and speedy. I need a speedy faster riders for energy and a limited balance of protein to help the muscle. The searches the light but the force makes me, so I think of my gender is helpful for all of your and playing.

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MFP: Is there a special food or food you promise to sit in the high position for your responsibility?

Cd: I am a very big one of the light, food-marked in front of the games with Almmanal with AlmMan Button Bank. After games or grinding, I look forward to the cock of the cock of chicken the chicken, the sweet, sweet potatoes, and spinach. Haddros is too busy, so I will always drink water and add electrolytes when necessary.

MFP: When will the teachers are high, how weigh the body of physical body without careful mind?

Cd: About normal activities. The fish, sleep, and the game is a lot of part. I know the right track of the right fruits, keeping mine in the demand, and take the time to consider. The mental game is as important as physical or mental body, it’s at this level.

MFP: Looking forward to the main game, what do you think that would be a great deal of hardest for you as a player and for the team?

Cd: The biggest difficulty treating that in the razor-demand and the privilege is in the entire game. As a CONCER, I need to be ready to Lock my work on all the matches, and a newest way to the seat. But I can be a lot of time. It’s easy to get a hype, but on the day, the only day is the only one to play. This is this to apply for this very everything, so about our place, and we will leave by school.

Will Djanan help the namie to add a competition name in their name for the second time? Looking to them to fight to them against him to the curtains on Mondays on Monday, February 8 in 6:30 PT PET.

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