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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

From the desert to the rain – bionicoldguy

I’m back from Phoenix on Monday. A great journey. I was able to postpone the postponement of two days of sunny days, after “the river” on the river on Wednesday along with a windy with a windy. There was a short revelation of the rainy rains Thursday morning so I hit a little more than an hour, and I made up to 30 minutes of physical training.

I saw my doctor on Tuesday about Olytran Busht And you have an ok to do the work of the body’s upper body, just do not practice the repetition of my elbow, so the bicycle will be on the lower resolution process. She also posted me as a small dose to hope the elbow elbow is down, and shut up the elbow of the elbow. If all that does not improve inflammation within several weeks, we will transfer you to a surgeon.

The rain returned on Thursday afternoon and is expected to continue the noon today. There is no complaint, I need water! There should be sunny days and then I look forward to more comfortable.

Gloomy and paddy only only on blue indicator
El Toro can be seen in fog

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