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The gym of the exercise with dumbbells | Home and Exercise

Dumbbell shoulder shoulder: Home & Exercise

When it is to come out strongly, stable, and the shoulders described, the dumbbells are the same tool. They allow full movement, helping the muscles deeply improve and develop joint stability. In this guide, we will walk in the shoulder shoulder with Deltoid muscle muscle Deltoid muscle Devotoid muscle Deltoid muscle deftoid muscle. back (back). If you are a starting or seasonal birth, these exercises can be adjusted for your exercise status.

Benefits of Dumbbell

  • Improved movement: The dumbbells allow natural natural movements, reducing weight of joints.
  • Developed growth: Target all three of the Deltoid heads in a well-rounded image.
  • Increase Increasing: Strengthening the stabilization of muscle, reducing the risk of injury.
  • Muscle features: Dumbbells need each hand to work independently, reduce interactive muscles.
  • Focus to build: Adjust weight to put your exercise level and goals.
  • Getting: Two dumbbell couples can be used at home or in the gym.
Anatomy Protoid wing

Dumbbell’s chin appliances

This work offers a variety of exercises targeting all three of the Deltids’, requires minimum tools, and promote the results of exercise in your home.

Warm (5-10 minutes)

Before you park for exercise, prepare your shoulders for the movement warmth:

  1. Cycles of hand (30 seconds early, 30 seconds back)
  2. The wall of the wall (20 reps)
  3. Shoulder shoulder (15-20 reps
  4. Dumbbell grapht click (2 types of 10 reps with simple weight)
  5. Get out of the group (15 reps)

1. Dumbbell on the shoulder

Dumbbell the shoulder click

Target: Head of the middle and middle

  • Sit or Stop Dumbbell in shoulder height, the front of the hair.
  • Press the weight up until the full amount of weapons be extended.
  • Down the weight gently back to the start position.
  • Sets / reps: 2-3 x 10-12

2. In addition

Dumbbell up the rear

Target: Deltoid deltoid

  • Hold on your side fats with the description that faces inside.
  • Take your hands up to the side until they match the floor.
  • Slowly down down.
  • Sets / reps: 2-3 x 10-12

3. High

Changing the Advanced Dumbbell

Target: Deltoid

  • Hold the shadows in front of your thighs, your description with the inside.
  • One hand immediately pick up the shoulder height, then put it down.
  • Another vehicle or lift both at the same time.
  • Sets / reps: 2-3 x 10-12

4. Fast-Fly Fly

Devoting from the rear lift

Target: Pltoid pltoid

  • Keep your pelvis, keep your back straight, and let the dumbbells be below your bottom.
  • Lift the weight of the sides of the sides, and throw it into your shoulders.
  • Slowly score.
  • Sets / reps: 2-3 x 10-12

5. Dumbbell Grary

Dumbbell shrug

Target: Trapezius (high support for the shoulders)

  • Enry the length of dumbbells in your sides.
  • Turn your shoulder shoulder to your ears as much as possible.
  • Down the back slowly.
  • Sets / reps: 3 x 12-15

Corolwn (5-10 minutes)

  • Child Welcome: Opportunity to your shoulders and back.
  • Round t-spanol t-spene Focus on the back-back.
  • Separation of body shoulder of the cross: Keep 20-30 seconds in each hands.
  • Shoulder back shoulder: Focus on the front facial

Instructions for success

  • First form: Priority priority to the correct form to avoid injuries. Avoid your back on your back or using minutes.
  • Excessive increases: Slowing slowly slowly gently
  • Rest: Allow 48 hours between shoulder jobs to recover.
  • Period is the key: The purpose for the 2 working week.
  • Listen to your body: Improve exercise or leave if you feel discomfort.


In addition to these temporary dumbbell equipment for your exercise can help you to reach strong, stable, and drinking shoulder. Remember to focus on the form, properly well, your speed development. By maintaining, you will see the obvious repair of strength and faint. Are you ready to take the shoulders to the shoulders to the next level? Catch your dumbbells and start today!

Published by

Robert George

Robert, a proven coaching teacher in the creation of personal exercise programs, is good at providing emotional support and customer motivation. A vulnerable person’s gym and coach, encouraged individuals who are not numberless to cross the challenges and reach their full potential.

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